LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit API Reference

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Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit

Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit

June 2014, 372656C-01

The LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit includes the LabVIEW Time Frequency Analysis Tools, LabVIEW Time Series Analysis Tools, and LabVIEW Wavelet Analysis Tools. These tools are a suite of high-level signal processing VIs that you can use to perform time frequency, time series, and wavelet analysis. To extract the underlying information of a signal effectively, you need to choose an appropriate analysis tool. The following table describes the tasks you can perform by using the different advanced signal processing tools.

Signal Type Tool Task
Evolutionary Time Frequency Analysis Tools The Time Frequency Analysis Tools provide VIs and Express VIs for linear and quadratic time-frequency analysis methods, including the linear discrete Gabor transform and expansion, the linear adaptive transform and expansion, the quadratic Gabor spectrogram, and the quadratic adaptive spectrogram. The Time Frequency Analysis Tools also include VIs to extract features from a signal, such as the mean instantaneous frequency, the mean instantaneous bandwidth, the group delay, and the marginal integration.
Stationary Time Series Analysis Tools The Time Series Analysis Tools provide VIs for preprocessing signals, estimating the statistical parameters of signals, building models of signals, and estimating the power spectrum, the high-order power spectrum, and the cepstrum of signals.
Evolutionary and transient Wavelet Analysis Tools The Wavelet Analysis Tools provide VIs and Express VIs for continuous wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform, undecimated wavelet transform, integer wavelet transform, and wavelet packet decomposition. The Wavelet Analysis Tools also include VIs for feature extraction applications, such as denoising, detrending, and detecting peaks and edges.

The Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit also contains the System Identification VIs. Use these VIs to identify large, multivariable models of high-order systems from large amounts of data.

Note  The Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit also contains the LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit. Use the Digital Filter Design Toolkit to perform signal analysis on stationary signals.

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