LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit API Reference

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Digital Filter Design Toolkit

Digital Filter Design Toolkit

June 2014, 371988G-01

The LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes tools for designing, analyzing, and processing floating-point and fixed-point digital filters, including multirate filters. The Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes tools for designing, analyzing, and processing filter banks. The Digital Filter Design Toolkit also includes tools for designing, analyzing, simulating, and using adaptive filters.

This help file contains information about the general design process and the tools in the Digital Filter Design Toolkit that you can use in a digital filter or filter bank design. This help file also contains information about the general process and the tools in the Digital Filter Design Toolkit that you can use in an adaptive filter for different applications and with different adaptive filter algorithms.

Note  All occurrences of filters in this book refer to single-rate filters unless these topics explicitly use multirate filters.

You can use the Signal Processing VIs in the LabVIEW Full or Professional Development System to perform waveform measurements, waveform conditioning, waveform monitoring, waveform generation, signal processing, and point-by-point analysis. The Signal Processing VIs contain some digital filter design VIs similar to VIs in the Digital Filter Design Toolkit. For example, the Butterworth Coefficients VI is similar to the DFD Butterworth Design VI and the Parks-McClellan VI is similar to the DFD Remez Design VI. However, the Digital Filter Design VIs provide more capabilities, such as support for arbitrary phase and magnitude specifications and fixed-point filter design.

Although the VIs have similar functionality, the results you obtain might be different because the design algorithms are different. Refer to the National Instruments Web site at for information about working with the Signal Processing VIs and the Digital Filter Design VIs.

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